tuiss Love :: Ruby + Ed

To be honest the search for lovely pictures for our blog just gets easier and easier… Who knew moss and the outdoors would feature so heavily on so many websites? From Herdy mugs featured recently to these fab slippers from Ruby + Ed, they all look fantastic on the tuiss blog.

Ruby + Ed started with just slippers and now includes lounge wear and accessories, often with lots of sheepskin and furry bits too. Lots of lovely ideas Christmas gift ideas and of course lots and lots of slippers!

tuiss Love :: Herdy

I was spoilt for choice when I happened across Herdy. Which lovely picture to put on the blog?

Hailing from the Lake District, Herdy uses local suppliers and has a firm association with the Herdwick sheep that graze across the fells. (The Herdy site is littered with photos of very cute sheep…)

If you feel like a little dose of Herdyness every day then choose a Wooly Wallpaper for your desktop. Alternatively choose from kitchenware, accessories, stationery and gifts.

tuiss Loves :: Mr and Mrs House

Mr and Mrs House is home to lovely things for lovely people. These original cushions are just great and they can be found in the arty section but be sure to check out nifty, silly or smelly! The orange and brown cushions are made from original 1970s printed cottons which were hidden away on the top shelf of an Italian warehouse. We love!

By the way if you’re liking the spotty cushion (which is also a 70s original) then take a look at our Discus Wild Lime roman blind. Just the ticket!

tuiss Love :: Barefoot kitchen

tuiss loveIf you fancy having an escape for ten minutes then visit Barefoot Kitchen, their quote says it all.

Check out the lovely things they sell as well as great videos of foraging (yes foraging), cooking on the beach and surfing too.

We love where we live. We still have to weather the storms that life throws at us, but the land, sea and sky are all we really need. Building a fire on the beach, finding wild samphire, catching mackerel on a hand line, leaving the best wave till last. Mix it all up with friends young and old, some things money just can’t buy.

There’s a blog too with lots of pictures of sunny Cornwall.

NapsackBBQ bucketKnife

tuiss Love :: Restoration and Beyond

tuiss loveIf you have a period home or are involved in a self-build then you may well be able to make use of Restoration and Beyond. The website is a directory of independent suppliers that have particular expertise in this area. There are products for every room of the home plus there are suppliers of key services too, from builders to tilers and stone masons.

If you need some advise then check out the range of fact sheets or even ask an expert.

Antique Oak FramesTowel WarmerReclaimed Stone

tuiss Love :: Made by / designed by Andy Murray

tuiss loveAndy Murray (in his own words) is a product designer, maker, crafter and enthusiast of ‘stuff’. One of Andy’s enthusiasms is that we should all brave the credit crunch, use the things we have around us and start making things.

Andy has put together a neat little book with 5 make-it projects all involving the humble tea towel, and who doesn’t have an old tea towel lurking in the back of a cupboard ‘from a holiday to Spain or a wet visit to a castle’?

So if you fancy making a laptop sleeve, watch strap, bag, wallet or belt just order Andy’s Made By book and get crafting. To have a look at Andy’s non tea towel designs just click here. You can also follow Andy on twitter, we do.

It’s not quite the same but if you don’t have any tea towels tucked away then why not treat yourself to some tea towels from To dry for?

Tea towel bagTea towel belt