thursday thought by tuiss :: Ditch the bottle, turn the tap

It’s getting hot out there (admittedly not today though!) and sales of bottled water will be soaring.

Every year 2 billion litres of bottled water are sold in the UK and only one in five bottles are recycled. The strange thing is though for much of the time we have access to a tap which delivers much much cheaper water and much more environmentally friendly too.

A team of scientists has found that 70 per cent of popular bottled water brands available in shops had high levels of bacteria, so high in fact that they could pose a risk for vulnerable people such as pregnant women, infants, immunocompromised patients and the elderly. Read the full article in the Telegraph for more information.

Plus nutritionists say there’s no need to drink bottled water in the UK because tap water is so good.

The arguments are stacking up against that bottle! Go on, ditch the bottle and grab a glass…. (We’ve blogged about reusable water bottles too.)

Thursday thought by tuiss :: Reusable water bottles

Picture a bottle of ice cold water. Now imagine it filled a quarter of the way up with oil.

That’s about how much oil was needed to produce the plastic bottle. Makes you think doesn’t it? And that’s before we get onto the problem of recycling the empty bottle, it can take a plastic bottle up to 450 years to decompose in landfill. (The number of plastic water bottles sent to UK landfill sites each year would fill Wembley stadium twice over.)

So, to look stylish, save money and do your bit why not use a steel water bottle? Steel bottles are BPA free (whereas plastic ones may not be) and while the controversy over BPA rages stick to the infinitely cooler steel alternative. One Green Bottle has some gorgeous bottles, as has Cool Green Attitude.

Thanks to National Geographic and Which for the stats.

Superman bottle