tuiss staff favourites :: Arboretum Poppy roller blind

My turn! I wish I had a room to do the Arboretum Poppy roller blind justice. I love the depth of the colour and can see it in a sunny room filled with rich woods and vases of fresh flowers.

As well as writing the blog I have the happy task of describing all the tuiss blinds, here’s my description, I think you can feel the love!

This blind is so beautiful with its gorgeous rich red colour and flamboyant flowers and sprays. In a room of warm neutrals and creams this blind will add a dollop of richness, while the sand colour of the blooms will blend magnificently.

The blind’s richness will also complement bolder sumptuous settings, imagine other reds and maybe browns rubbing alongside this blind. Arboretum Poppy isn’t a blind that shouts it just hangs in quiet splendour waiting to be admired.

Arboretum Poppy roller blind

Arboretum Poppy roller blind